Contact Us

EBOS Group Limited has become aware of a recruitment scam advertising roles for EBOS Group Limited in the USA, this includes the impersonation of EBOS personnel. EBOS Group Limited does not advertise for roles located in the USA and does not seek payment from candidates in any recruitment process.

If you have been approached about a role in the USA please disregard it or contact if you have any concerns.

If you have any enquiries about EBOS products or services, please fill out this form and we will reply as soon as possible.

Alternatively please find a full list of relevant contact details listed below.

To help direct your enquiry, please select the category below that it relates to:


ebos group

Corporate Head Office

Level 7
737 Bourke Street,
VIC 3008

Phone: +61 3 9918 5555
Fax: +61 3 9918 5599

ebos group

NZX Corporate Office

108 Wrights Road
Christchurch 8024

Phone: +64 3 338 0999
Fax: +64 3 339 5090


Privacy collection statement

EBOS Group Limited  and its subsidiaries  (EBOS) are collecting your personal information (including health information, if applicable) in order to respond to your query and provide you with information in relation to EBOS’ products, services and business.  

If you have consented or if otherwise permitted by law, EBOS may also contact you with marketing material about EBOS and its related businesses that may interest you.  EBOS may disclose your personal information to its related companies and to third parties who provide us with (or help us provide) products and services and to health care information services providers who may use it, in aggregated or de-identified form, to enable their clients to run their operations more efficiently, including to locations outside your state or territory and to locations overseas, such as New Zealand, the USA, South Korea and Canada. 

Except where we may refuse access as permitted by law, you can gain access to the personal information (including health information) we hold about you. Our privacy policy (available at states how you can seek to access or correct any personal information EBOS holds about you, how to complain about a privacy breach by EBOS and how EBOS will deal with a privacy complaint. You can contact EBOS at